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Visual identity, Print & Packaging Design
AixBox, la box loisirs de l'été à Aix-en-Provence
Client request
The City of Aix-en-Provence asked for designing the new "Aix Box" which includes all types of activities, sports, art, culture for the youth population during summer holidays.
Approach & solution
I have imagined a playful, colorful, fun & dynamic graphics to seduce young people & their families during this campaign. The "Aix box" has been declined in various colors, each one is related to a particular activity.
I designed it like a black mystery box to suggest they are full of discoveries & surprises for kids or teenagers.
Logotype, Branding, visual graphic declinations, Box Packaging & setting display situation.
Freelance project in coordination with Verso Agency, Aix-en-Provence
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